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Hand Hygiene Video & COVID-19 Resources



Hand Hygiene Video

The Council of Ambulance Authorities has produced a video to aid with our Hand Hygiene campaign's message 'Take Five for Hand Hygiene'.

The video linked above is a powerful example of how wide contaminants can spread in the absence of good hand hygiene.

In this video, the CAA takes you through an ambulance trip from when a crew first arrives in a patient's home to where they are handed over to the hospital emergency department. It shows the variety of people the crew comes in contact with and how poor hand hygiene aids in the spread of infection.

CAA would like to thank St John NZ for producing the video.

Please watch and let us remind you how critical it is to Take Five for Hand Hygiene.



Your Five Moments


Take Five for Hand Hygiene is an annual campaign created by the Council of Ambulance Authorities to highlight the importance of hand hygiene during paramedics time with patients.

The campaign is designed to highlight 5 key moments when dealing with patients and importantly speaks about good hand hygiene and the over-reliance on wearing gloves, that when inappropriately used can assist in spreading contaminants.  The 2020 Hand Hygiene Video (above) shows how far the spread can reach through the use of a single pair of gloves. 

While this campaign is designed to work alongside the WHO Global Hand Hygiene Day on May 5th, in the current COVID-19 crisis we wanted to release the video and collateral earlier to aid in the reduction of the spread of infectious disease. Taking Five for Hand Hygiene will save lives. 

Our aim is to remind everyone of the 5 steps listed below:

Your Five Moments For Hand Hygiene are:

- Before touching a patient
- Before clean/aseptic procedure
- After blood/body fluid exposure risk
- After touching a patient
- After leaving the patient environment
Taking Five for Hand Hygiene helps keep paramedics, patients, and their families, safe from infection.



CAA's role

The Council of Ambulance Authorities has been facilitating Working Groups and information sharing across the ambulance sector in Australasia while dealing with COVID-19. Our role is to assist our members and encourage ambulance services to work together through this challenging time to implement streamlined approaches.  

Social Media 

CAA has been utilising its online presence to encourage people to stay informed and up to date with the latest accurate information by only trusting reputable websites such as:

World Health Organization:

Australian Government Department of Health:

New Zealand Government:


Downloadable Resources

Feel free to download and utilise the below Social Media Tiles that we have designed. Click the download text next to each one for access. 


- How COVID-19 Spreads Download
- COVID-19 Symptoms Download
- The best way to protect yourself from COVID-19 Download


