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Women in Leadership Symposium


We are excited to announce that tickets for the 2024 Women in Leadership Symposium are now are on sale. 

Secure your place for this Novembers Symposium

Not sure if the Women in Leadership Symposium is for you? View our program and see how the Women in Leadership Symposium can help you in your career! 


Thank you to our sponsors:




November 21, 2024

Novotel Sydney Olympic Park,

Sydney Australia

Did you know that men apply for a job when they meet only 60% of the qualifications, but women apply only if they meet 100% of them? 

We believe that the Ambulance sector has a large pool of hidden talent - women currently in leadership roles or who aspire to leadership but are unsure about how to take that next step in their careers.

The Women in Leadership Symposium will provide attendees with practical skills, tools, perspectives and takeaway tips to help these women take the next step. 

The symposium will also see the announcement of the annual Women in Leadership Scholarship winner.



2024 Women in Leadership Symposium Partnership Prospectus

2024 Speakers

David Waters

Chief Executive

The Council of Ambulance Authorities

Dr Dominic Morgan


NSW Ambulance

Jane Miller

Chief Executive Officer

Ambulance Victoria

Women and Leadership

Mini Masterclass

Matthew Green


Body Guide


Matthew Green is the founder of BodyGuide, author of I'm Sick of Being Sore and one of Australia's leading voices in injury prevention. After 10+ years working with patients at his clinic in Melbourne, Matthew now helps people learn about their bodies & resolve pain, outside of the traditional appointment structure. 

Fiona Windsor

2023 Women in Leadership Scholarship Winner

Senior Team Manager

Ambulance Victoria

Years in Service: 14


Fiona Windsor serves as a Senior Team Manager at Ambulance Victoria. Her leadership has been recognised through the 2023 Council of Ambulance Authorities (CAA) Women in Leadership Scholarship.


Fiona's leadership style emphasises people-focused management. She encourages teamwork and empowers colleagues to deliver clinical excellence. As a mother, she understands the challenges faced by women balancing work in the ambulance sector with family responsibilities. Fiona actively advocates for gender equality and fosters an inclusive environment. Her approachable demeanor and willingness to learn makes her an effective and respected leader.


Beyond her managerial role, Fiona contributes to community empowerment by supporting volunteer first responders in Ambulance Victoria. She ensures they have the necessary knowledge and skills to serve their communities effectively. Fiona's leadership style is characterised by humility and generosity. She leads by example, creating a positive influence within the organization. 

Rebecca Lundy

General Manager – Operations

ACT Ambulance Service

At 20 years old in 1994, Rebecca joined the ACT Ambulance Service.  Under the old VET sector training, she became an Intensive Care Paramedic in 1997 and spent the next several years working on road as a training and development officer.  In 2004, Rebecca cross-trained into the Communications Centre where she picked up the training program during the ACTAS Comcen reform.  This led to a pathway in education and training for the next ten years – delivering E000 call taking and dispatch training as well as being part of the team which worked to introduce ICP Clinicians into the Comcen.  Moving sideways in 2014, Rebecca took up a temporary position in the Operations Management team initially managing the Comcen and its people then moving to the Emergency portfolio looking after all frontline paramedic staff.  Following a series of events which can be best described as a Steven Bradbury moment, from 2017 she found herself acting in the Chief Officer role for short periods of time.  Just after the COVID pandemic began in 2020, Rebecca began acting in the General Manager – Operations position – a position she won outright this year.


Rebecca and her partner are very proud of their blended family of 4 kids and she spend most weekends standing on the sideline of netball, hockey and rugby league.  When not watching sports, Rebecca plays competitive softball in when her knees allow it.



2024 Proudly Supported By

Diamond Sponsor


Belgravia eHealth supply clinical decision support solutions through out Australia: Odyssey Teleassess & Firstcall.  Clinically robust solutions assisting telehealth operators to diagnose patients conditions remotely and a recommended urgency of treatment Odyssey SelfAssess.  Web based symptom checker for non clinicians to self diagnose.  For high acuity cases patient can be connected to a tele/video call. Adastra. Patient call flow and urgency prioritisation.  Allows for integration with PAS, IMR, CAD, and other health systems.  Built in electronic referrals, comprehensive reporting, frequent caller management, video conferencing, and more



Ruby Sponsor

For 20 years, Women & Leadership Australia has been championing equity and empowering leaders in every aspect of life.
We specialise in delivering high-impact, applied leadership development opportunities through our:

– renowned programs for individuals
– tailored programs for organisations
– specialised programs for schools
– world-class events

Our learner-centric, flexible delivery model incorporates the latest research, frameworks and technology to deliver practical leadership skills that can deliver immediate impact in the workplace.

As Australia moves ahead on its path towards gender equality, Women & Leadership Australia is providing the training, resources, connections and thought leadership to support individuals and organisations on this journey.

Learn More




Scholarship Sponsor


One of Australia's most sought after speakers and presenters, Julie has presented in over 22 countries and trained over 500,000 leaders around the world. She empowers individuals to truly live a life excellence, removing their own limiting beliefs so they can do, be or have anything they desire, standing in their own circle of excellence. 


RAPP Australia Pty Ltd (through our brands NEANN® and firelogistics®) provides lifesaving products and equipment to all state Ambulance Services and other emergency responders throughout Australasia and beyond.

Our priority is to help our clients achieve their goals by making lifesaving equipment that is effective, reliable and safe to use.



Women in Leadership Scholarship

CAA offers the Women in Leadership Scholarship to encourage more women to step into leadership roles and to support the further development of current women leaders in Ambulance Health Services.

Learn more about the Women in Leadership Scholarship here.

2023 Women in Leadership Symposium

Citadines on Bourke Street, Melbourne, Australia

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